When it comes to choosing a mobile computer there seems to be so many different types and options available. Dozens of manufacturers offer hundreds of devices in thousands of configurations, but only one may be best suited for your particular environment and workforce. Rather than trying to stay on top of all the products that are being introduced and discontinued, the technologies and features being added, plus available peripherals and software, enterprises can quickly cut down to a few viable options by following a basic tips and steps.
The first step in finding the right mobile computer is defining your specific needs.
• What are you going to use the mobile computer for? Inventory, asset tracking, field operations?
• Where will the mobile computer be used? Is it a rugged environment?
• Have you selected software to use on the mobile device?
• What kind of barcodes will you be reading?
• Will you need real-time connectivity on a wireless network?
Knowing how you’ll be using a mobile computer will help you decide what form factor/style,operating system, and other options you’ll need. Understanding each of these factors will help you find the right mobile computer!